Glorify God
Edify Believers
Evangelize the World
The mission of Abundant Life Baptist Church

Striving Together
For The Sake Of The Gospel

Men's Prayer Time
Bi-weekly Fridays - 8:00am
"The effective, fervent prayer of a
righteous man avails much."
James 5:16b
Every other Friday, the men of ALBC meet to pray together for our church and community. Will you join us?
Abundant Life
Baptist Church

Ladies Book Club
First Thursdays - 8:30am
Ladies, we invite you to join us for a monthly Christian book reading and discussion. Each month, we will meet to discuss the previous month's book selection and choose a new book to read.
October Location:
Bricklayer Bakery
445 E Cherry St, Troy

Ladies Prayer Breakfast
First Saturdays - 9:00am
"I pray because I can't help myself.
I pray because I'm helpless.
I pray because the need flows out
of me all the time, waking and
sleeping. It doesn't change God.
It changes me."
C.S. Lewis
340 Monroe St.
Troy, MO

Wednesdays - 6:30-8:00pm
Ages 3-12 years
Each week, children gather to learn about the Bible in a fun and engaging way!
Leader: Ms. Elaina Mellen
Abundant Life
Baptist Church
(childcare wing)

Adult and Teen Sunday School
Weekly - 9:30am
"When people identify themselves with a label like "Lutheran," "Presbyterian," or "Baptist," they're really identifying themselves with a combination of convictions. The labels help distinguish one set of convictions from another.
Dr. Kevin Bauder says, "Increasingly, church members display an astonishing lack of knowledge about just what Baptists believe." In Baptist Distinctives, he not only spells out the beliefs that make Baptists different from others, he shows the Biblical bases, discusses differences between Baptist groups, and explains how the Baptist distinctives affect believers' lives, especially their church life. If the Biblical, "Baptist" convictions are worth holding, they're worth understanding and standing for."
Pastor Kirk Mellen

Children's Sunday School
Ages 4-12
Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life! This exciting curriculum covers the entire Bible chronologically in four years (200 lessons), providing a powerful overview of God’s Word.
Mrs. Bette Woinowsky